A Letter from the NCAVA President

Please see a short letter from our NCAVA President below:


Hello wonderful NCAVA members!

I know we can all agree that these times with Covid-19 are unprecedented.  We’ve all experienced change in routine, work, and life. I know we all long to give our friends and family that we can’t see a giant hug. And we want to be back at work, serving alongside our co-workers and the volunteers that we love.  I am hopeful that is soon and that from this experience we learn to appreciate one another more.


I don’t know about you but I am very sad that we will not be gathering as a group in a couple weeks for our Statewide Conference. Our conference team (led by Christine DeLia and Vanessa Miller) did an exceptional job in preparing for this year’s conference and I hate that we don’t get to see all their hard work put into motion. YET I am so thankful we will be in Winston next year and that this team is on-board to lead again!  


As you know, at conference we hand out awards. Even though we can’t be there in person we still want to recognize those individuals and affiliates who receive these awards. Just a reminder that all nominations are due May 10 and you can find the nomination forms here. Please take a moment to nominate someone! We will have a creative way to announce the winners and will share that information with you!

Continuing Education

The board has been discussing some alternative ways that we can still be connected to each other and still provide you with some amazing sessions online so that you can continue to build your professional network, while getting those credit hours you need.  Please stay tuned for that! Our new VP of Professional Development, Dylan Simosko, has some innovative ideas that I think will really step up NCAVA and how we support our members.


It’s hard to believe that my time as president is coming to a close in June. I have loved these last 2 years serving alongside of my fellow board members and helping with NCAVA. It has really enriched my understanding of volunteers and solidified some great friendships. I have been working on the in-coming board and have some openings still that I want to fill. If you are new to NCAVA, been with NCAVA for awhile or just want to get involved, please consider joining. Our positions that are open are the Regional Director positions. This is an AMAZING way to join the board. If you are interested please email ncavacommunicationsteam@gmail.com so that I connect with you. I’ll also be making some outreach too in the next week so hopefully you answer my call 😊

Again, we will miss seeing your bright faces in Winston. I hope your Thursday is wonderful, wherever you are!


President, NCAVA