Meet our Members: Erin Pavelchak

Meet Our Members - An Interview Series

Erin Pavelchak has been a member of NCAVA for over ten years now! She originally joined NCAVA as a way to grow herself professionally and now serves as the NCAVA board secretary. 

Erin is the Senior Volunteer Services Specialist with Be The Match, where she helps to bring alignment to the organization's overall volunteer program. Erin recently provided us with more information about her NCAVA story, which we are excited to share with you all:

Q: What inspired you to begin working with volunteers?

A: Volunteers are very passionate.

Q: What is an exciting project that you are currently working on?

A: Recently, I have been creating training courses for volunteers. Our new program allows us to create these trainings instead of having a different department create them. 

Q: What would you say is your biggest accomplishment in your career thus far?

A: My biggest accomplishments have involved advocating for my promotions and helping to create frameworks for new alignment within our volunteer program.

Q: What advice would you give to other volunteer managers, especially those beginning their career?

A: Network network network!

To connect with Erinl about any topics mentioned in this interview, please email her at