Seasons Greetings from President Jack Henry

Season's greetings to my fellow NCAVA members! This has been a year like none other. It has been a year that many of us would perhaps like to forget. Still, I continue to be amazed at the resiliency of our board members, affiliates, members, and volunteers who serve a myriad of needs throughout this state. We have all risen to the challenge by offering multiple statewide virtual trainings, flexible certification credits, virtual volunteering options, and creative ways to thank and recognize the thousands of volunteers represented by our members' organizations.

Each one of us on the NCAVA board have been inspired by you, our members, for continuing to engage, stay connected, and even level-up your professional development during, what is for many, is an even busier time than the "before times". As you take the last few weeks of 2020 to reflect upon this year, I hope you come to see yourself as we see you: a strong and resilient volunteer administrator that gives hope to so many and inspires them to continue to give back to their communities. 2021 is full of promise and uncertainty. We will continue to take each day as it comes, serving like we have for the last 46 years, and will continue for many more years into the future.

Happy New Year,

Jack Henry