"Did You Know?" Series - A Look into NCAVA's 46-Year-Long History

November will mark the 46th anniversary since the inception of the North Carolina Association of Volunteer Administrators and to commemorate the event, NCAVA will reminisce on its rich history.

The "Did You Know?" series will feature monthly trivia and historical notes to be shared in NCAVA publications including bulletins and social media channels. Any members or affiliates, past or present, wanting to participate are encouraged to submit their trivia, organizational memories, or photos with IDs to ncavacommunicationsteam@gmail.com. Together we can celebrate the rich history of our membership and we look forward to celebrating and reminiscing with you!

To start the series off, let’s learn about NCAVA’s origin:

Did you know that NCAVA began as a volunteer administration course taught by Betty Wiser at what was then known as Durham Technical Institute in the fall of 1973? Members of the class decided to invite volunteer coordinators from across the state to begin talking about statewide needs of volunteer programs and they planned a conference.

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This celebration of NCAVA’s history is being lead by our Publications Chair, Carlton Koonce. If you would like to contribute photos or stories, please reach out to ncavacommunicationsteam@gmail.com.