Letter from the President August, 17 2020

Hello NCAVA members, I hope the warm summer sun has brightened your outlook during this stressful time. Our board met online during the annual strategic planning retreat July 15-17. We have come out of this productive time with a renewed vision to provide relevant and valuable resources to our members. Our strategic goals for the year are:

  1. Seize the Moment 

  2. Increase Membership and Reach

  3. Communication Reform

Our overall guiding theme for this year is “Show our Power”. Something that we volunteer administrators deeply understand is the power of volunteerism to shine a light through dark times and to show the resiliency of the human spirit. We know this sacred profession in and out, and it is time to seize the moment to let others know our value as a profession and as a professional organization. As a board, we want to continue providing resources for you to “show your power” as an industry professional to your peers and leadership.

Like many nonprofit boards and professional organizations during this time, we recognize the immense changes to our professional and personal lives during a global pandemic in the midst of our country’s awakening and reckoning to centuries-old racism.  

Acknowledging the importance of these issues, NCAVA will continue to provide and sponsor CAVNC-certified webinars on remote volunteer administration during the time of COVID, as well as themes such as diverse understandings of volunteerism and how bias can show up in volunteer organizations.

Further, we are examining membership structures and certification processes with an equity lens. We are also committed to seeking to include your voice and opinion through surveys and  increased relationship interaction with regional affiliates.

As a transparent and visionary board, we would like to invite you to view the NCAVA 2020-2021 strategic plan presentation and give us your feedback. Stay tuned to every newsletter for updates, as well as exciting offerings.

Lastly, we have several Regional Director positions available on the board and invite your interest and questions to email me directly at ncavacommunications@gmail.com


Jack Henry

NCAVA President